Friday, July 13, 2012

Guys have a tougher time with skin cancer | Try2connect News Blog

This could be funny if the outcome weren?t so sobering.

The fact is, the vast majority of men, at least 70 percent, don?t know what the signs of skin cancer are. Worse, they do little to protect themselves ? like wearing sunscreen.

And not knowing, combined with not protecting themselves, can kill them.

The Skin Cancer Foundation found these dramatic results after a survey done in partnership with the makers of Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropic sunscreens.

The results are important because men older than 50 are more than twice as likely as women to develop and die from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, said Dr. Joshua Zeichner, assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

?Reports show that 58 percent of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed this year will be men, vs. 42 percent in women,? he said.

In almost all cases, Zeichner believes education can dramatically reduce these fatalities. So I asked the doctor about skin cancer:

Q What causes melanoma?

A There can be genetic factors involved, but these are very rare. Sun and ultraviolet light cause almost all melanomas. Obviously, sun is the significant factor.

If sun is the major cause, it?s equally obvious that sunscreen should be in common use. But men don?t like to put on sunscreen and they simply don?t use it the way they should.

Q Why are men so anxious about sunscreen?

A Well, they think women have more ?sensitive? skin. Actually, skin is equal between the sexes. The lighter the skin, the more susceptible.

Pigment is protective. It is a natural sunscreen. But even dark skin requires some protective measures.

Men say they find the sunscreens ?smell? funny. But various formulations are available so it?s possible to find one to suit your preference ? from spray gels to powders.

Q Why is melanoma fatal?

A It can kill you if it spreads.

Skin cancer is actually the most common form of cancer, in general.

Just walking from the bus to your office can put you out in the sun. Five minutes adds up over a lifetime. And that?s just incidental light, separate from the sun you can absorb at the beach or on a boat.

There is no safe way to be out in the sun. It penetrates through clouds and through glass. That?s why I suggest people wear sunscreen every day. Use a glob of it ? about a golf ball in amount.

Q Where do men get melanoma? On their faces?

A The chest and back are actually the most common places men develop melanoma.

The survey results confirm what I see in my practice every day ? men just aren?t incorporating sun protection into their lives.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that everyone adopt a complete sun protection regimen that includes seeking shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.; covering up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses; and wearing sunscreen.

This is not a beauty product.


This could be funny if the outcome weren?t so sobering.

The fact is, the vast majority of men, at least 70 percent, don?t know what the signs of skin cancer are. Worse, they do little to protect themselves ? like wearing sunscreen.

And not knowing, combined with not protecting themselves, can kill them.

The Skin Cancer Foundation found these dramatic results after a survey done in partnership with the makers of Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropic sunscreens.

The results are important because men older than 50 are more than twice as likely as women to develop and die from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, said Dr. Joshua Zeichner, assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

?Reports show that 58 percent of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed this year will be men, vs. 42 percent in women,? he said.

In almost all cases, Zeichner believes education can dramatically reduce these fatalities. So I asked the doctor about skin cancer:

Q What causes melanoma?

A There can be genetic factors involved, but these are very rare. Sun and ultraviolet light cause almost all melanomas. Obviously, sun is the significant factor.

If sun is the major cause, it?s equally obvious that sunscreen should be in common use. But men don?t like to put on sunscreen and they simply don?t use it the way they should.

Q Why are men so anxious about sunscreen?

A Well, they think women have more ?sensitive? skin. Actually, skin is equal between the sexes. The lighter the skin, the more susceptible.

Pigment is protective. It is a natural sunscreen. But even dark skin requires some protective measures.

Men say they find the sunscreens ?smell? funny. But various formulations are available so it?s possible to find one to suit your preference ? from spray gels to powders.

Q Why is melanoma fatal?

A It can kill you if it spreads.

Skin cancer is actually the most common form of cancer, in general.

Just walking from the bus to your office can put you out in the sun. Five minutes adds up over a lifetime. And that?s just incidental light, separate from the sun you can absorb at the beach or on a boat.

There is no safe way to be out in the sun. It penetrates through clouds and through glass. That?s why I suggest people wear sunscreen every day. Use a glob of it ? about a golf ball in amount.

Q Where do men get melanoma? On their faces?

A The chest and back are actually the most common places men develop melanoma.

The survey results confirm what I see in my practice every day ? men just aren?t incorporating sun protection into their lives.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that everyone adopt a complete sun protection regimen that includes seeking shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.; covering up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses; and wearing sunscreen.

This is not a beauty product.

Tags: all-cases, almost-all, anxious-about, banana, banana-boat, beach, cancer, chest, complete-sun, dark-skin, deadliest, dermatology, doctor, doctor-about, equal-between, faces, fact, factor-if-sun, five-minutes, genetic-factors, golf-ball, hawaiian-tropic, joshua, joshua-zeichner, just-incidental, king, light-cause, lighter, like-wearing, lives, major, makers, melanoma-cases, men-develop, men-older, most-common, mount-sinai, new-invasive, not-knowing, not-protecting, office, outcome, practice, practice-every, preference, professor, reports, reports-show, requires-some, results, said-in-almost, signs, sinai, skin, skin-actually, skin-cancer, smell, suggest-people, sun-protection, sunscreens, survey, survey-results, that-includes, that-sunscreen, the-chest, the-lighter, the-major, the-most, the-outcome, the-signs, the-vast, them-the-skin, they-simply, they-think, tropic, twice-as-likely, vast, wear-sunscreen, year, your-office, zeichner


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