As some of you might remember, I have a long, long history of picking the wrong system in any generation.
For my primary systems throughout the years, I went from the Atari 2600 (not bad) to buying an NES less than a year before the SNES came out (less not bad) to buying a Sega Game Gear (but it was color!) to the Atari Jaguar (The First True 64 Bit Console) to getting a Nintendo 64 (Go Solid State! Nobody likes loading times!) to the Sega Dreamcast (The William Henry Harrison of video game consoles!) to a PS2 (three years into its life cycle) to getting a PSP (So pretty...) to the PS3.
Basically, the only times I picked the right console were the times when there was no other option available.
And please spare me the "if you enjoyed it, it's the right console" nonsense. That's like when your parents tell you that you're being bullied because the bullies are jealous of how smart you are. It's a comforting fiction, but it's still a fiction.
For the purposes of this thread, then, let's just define "right" as being "A console that most people choose to play non-exclusive titles on." Because let's face it, if Uncharted, Demon Souls and Journey weren't PS3 exclusives, none of you; and certainly not the conference call crew; would even have your PS3s plugged in.
So with the new generation coming for Christmas in 2013, I'm going to have to start shopping for a new system sometime around 2015. I know I'm going to pick the wrong one, because the things I value in a system are increasingly not the things that anyone else values in a system. For example, I'd rather the system not be internet capable at all (from my perspective, all it does is allow game developers to develop games that require patches to fix things that shouldn't have shipped. Multiplayer gameplay is something for people who like/need other people). That's not going to happen, of course, and I recognize that gaming as a hobby is increasingly being taken over by extroverts and the kinds of people who would have dunked my head in a toilet during high school.
Since I know I'm going to choose the system that will never be mentioned on the conference call except as a joke, I'm asking you all to put on your Carnac the Magnificent hats and tell me what system you all will either skip, or expect to buy for a few exclusives but otherwise never use.
It will certainly make my shopping easier.
pac 12 tournament sun storm courtney stodden joe the plumber lra lra eric johnson
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