Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Say no to dieting and yes to weight loss | ArticleVoid

You have a number of ways of shedding your pounds rapidly using the method of dieting. For this you need to be hungry and starve to get the desired result. The worst part is, as you lose your weight using the choice of dieting, you regain it in quick no time as well. Hence if you are interested in losing your weight for a long run, better plan to lose it slowly and gradually. Many of the experts confirm that it can be done without going for a dieting thing. The following are some of the effective ways for losing your weight by making few changes in your lifestyle. Let?s look at these one by one:

Have breakfast daily without fail: One of the worst habit people have is to skip breakfast since they think that by doing so, they will lose weight. By such people who think that by skipping breakfasts they can slash down their calories intake end up having more during the day. Studies show that people having a proper breakfast without fail have low level of body mass index than the ones who skip breakfast.

People with proper and daily breakfast remain energetic all the day, and they perform better be at their office or schools. A perfect breakfast can be a bowl of grain cereal which comes with fruit and low fat stuffs to give you a good and nutritious day start.

Consume liquid calories wisely: Having sweet drinks can increase your calories, so better avoid them as it will not leave you hungry unlike skipping solid food. Better quench your thirst with water, you can also try water with citrus or skim or try some low fat milk or even think of having small quantity of 100 percent fruit juice. In case you feel hungry between the meals, make sure you have some nutritious but low calorie based vegetable juice to take care of your hunger. Make sure you remain away from the alcohol calories; they are quick to pile up fast. If you have one or two glass during the weekdays, try curtailing during your weekends, this can help you remain away from the adding up lots of calories.

Consume more produce stuffs: By consuming tons of low calorie, high level of vegetables and fruits can leave no space for food which is high in fats and calories. Make sure you avoid having meat, rather depend more on vegetables and fruits. Think of having a dinner or lunch by having a full plate vegetable salad or simply try some soups of broth stuffs. You must consume 7 to 13 cups of produce on daily basis which is really not a big deal to try.

Hence when you plan for your daily meal, make sure you stock your kitchen with good quantity of vegetable and fruits, they are good for your health and give you enough mineral, vitamins, phytonutrients and fiber. If you keep on having these regularly, you would never feel tempted to reach any cookie jar.

Prefer to have grain: You can always think of substituting whole grains for things like refined grains for instance cakes, white bread, pretzels and cookies. By doing so you will add up the required level of fiber and fill your belly fast so you end up eating a reasonable amount of food. Better prefer to consumer the whole wheat pastas and breads, popcorn, bran flakes, brown rice and whole rye crackers.

For saying No to dieting, you can certainly try a number of healthy things you can certainly get rid of your weight slowly and permanently. The above is a list of some effective way of losing weight. Trying these as discussed above simple and easy food plan can certainly help you shed weight without putting you any kind of hunger strike.


About The Author: Kate is a blogger by profession. She is a big diet and fitness freak.

She also loves reading. Recently she read an article on acne home remedies in a magazine. These days she is busy writing an article on cheap home decorating ideas for her blog.


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