Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Tap Using EFT | Health and Fitness

EFT, which is sometimes referred to by its original name Emotional Freedom Techniques, Emotional Freedom Technique, or just plain Tapping is a system where you tap or rub on certain points on the body known as meridians while you maintain focus on a past negative event or issue. Tapping while focusing on a past issue usually allows your body to quickly and easily eliminate any unwanted feelings about the issue.

Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, found with any event or issue where negative feelings were felt the body?s energy system was blocked or distorted. This blocking of the body?s energy system could be likened to a blocked drain were the drain cannot function normally. Clear the drain and waste can be cleared away quickly and efficiently allowing for a normal flow to resume; in the body?s case, energy.

The meridians that are generally used in EFT are many of the same meridians that have been used successfully for many years in acupuncture for both physical and emotional issues. Oddly enough we frequently use many of these tapping points unknowingly such as covering the mouth with a hand, holding a hand to the upper chest, or holding both sides of the forehead at the same time when distressed.

To begin using EFT, choose an issue to be tapped on and rate using the S.U.D.S (Subjective Units of Distress) level. The S.U.D.S levels is a 0 to 10 scale that is used to monitor progress with EFT. Zero would mean no emotional intensity is felt and 10 would mean you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion when the issue is thought about. You?ll need to be as specific as possible with the words you use while tapping. Do make sure too that you?re well hydrated before tapping.

Tapping usually begins on either the Karate Chop point on the fleshy side of the hand or by rubbing the Sore Spot on either side of the upper chest (which is a tender lymphatic drainage point). While tapping or rubbing either of these spots a Set Up Statement is repeated three times. The Set Up Statement allows you to acknowledge the issue while at the same time accepting yourself.

This then follows with what?s called a Reminder Phrase while tapping proceeds around other commonly used tapping points on the body; usually from the Top of the Head down to the Under Arm point. The Reminder Phrase is simply a repeated phrase to enable you to remain focused on that issue. An example of EFT in its basic form would look like this:

Begin by rating the issue using the SUDS 0-10 scale. Next choose your Set up statement.

Karate chop: ?Even though I feel angry at Bob because he lied to me again I choose to love and accept myself,? (said out loud 3 times).

Now start tapping around the body stating the Reminder Phrase:

Top of Head: ?Angry at Bob? Eyebrow: ?He lied to me again? Side of Eye: ?Angry at Bob? Under Eye: ?He lied to me again? Under Nose: ?Angry at Bob? Chin: ?He lied to me again? Collar Bone: ?Angry at Bob? Under Arm: ?He lied to me again?

After tapping a round follow it with a deep breath and check the SUDS level again. If you aren?t down to a 0, continue with tapping. It?s important when working on an issue that all the various aspects of the problem are tapped on. Aspects are all the different pieces that make up that issue for you. In the example above, you may have not only been angry, you may also have felt frustrated and stupid for trusting him again. So it would be important to tap on these aspects as well as any others in order to have peace on that issue.

The brilliant news is that EFT can easily be used by children and adults of any age with great results to get rid of past programming and beliefs. The effectiveness of EFT is not affected by how long ago the event occurred. It is recommended that for serious past events that you seek the help of an experienced qualified EFT practitioner.

Article source: http://ezinearticles.com/6445552

Source: http://medicaltips.biz/2012/03/27/how-to-tap-using-eft/

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